Just prior to my sophomore year of college (2018), I got my personal training certification through NASM, and began working in the city at various gyms. I started a fitness-based Instagram account (@getthebens) and found myself working with individuals who wanted to achieve personal goals just like me! I really always wanted to teach group fitness, because I enjoyed such a sense of community at places like Barry’s Bootcamp and FlyWheel. This is still a goal!
In 2019, I stumbled upon the Ulman Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding families before, during, and after their battle with cancer. With them, I raised over $4,000 and completed their virtual run across America (typically a 4,000-mile run across the country with a team, but turned virtual due to Covid-19 restrictions in 2020).
I still train daily and spread as much insight on health and fitness as I can via social media! If you want to train together, contact me!